Weather headaches, as the name implies, are headaches that are associated with the weather. Changes in weather conditions (linked to variations in air pressure) affect weather sensitive people. Another name for air pressure is barometric pressure and this can be measured using a barometer. Weather headaches can also be termed Barometric Pressure Headaches.
The articles found on will cover the symptoms, causes and treatment for weather headaches, and recommend equipment that a person suffering from weather headaches should own.
Although a person who suffers from this type of headache does not need to be a weather expert, it is advantageous for them to understand basic weather principles and know why weather conditions and headaches are associated. Forewarned is forearmed, and in this case, it is an important step in taking control of their condition. Through observing the weather, they will be able to predict the probability of their headaches occurring and thereby take preventative action to reduce headache frequency and/or severity.
Finally, although progress has been made regarding understanding the causes of weather headaches and the best way to treat them, it is a condition that is still not fully understood. Therefore, we aim to keep you updated with the latest news and advances concerning the topic of weather headaches. Remember to bookmark us and come back soon.